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Curriculum Vitae

Navid Soltani


Professional Experiences

Specialist Physician – Anaesthesiologist / SpecialistläkareAnestesiolog
Karolinska University Hospital
January 2024 – Present
Solna, Sweden

Department of Perioperative Medicine and Intensive Care (Anesthesia and Intensive Care).

Resident Physician / ST-Läkare
Karolinska University Hospital
Nov 2018 – January 2024
Solna, Sweden

Perioperative Medicine and Intensive Care (Anesthesia and Intensive Care)
Rotations: 4 months anesthesia and intensive care at Capio S:t Görans sjukhus, 6 months paediatric anesthesia at Astrid Lindgrens Children’s hospital, and 6 months neurointensive care and anesthesia.

Special projects:

Ph.D. Candidate in Epidemiology, ML & AI and Intensive Care Medicine
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet

Feb 2022 – Present
Solna, Sweden

Main supervisor:
Johan Mårtensson, M.D, Assoc. Professor
Ragnar Thobaben, M.Sc, Assoc. Professor
Henrike Häbel, M.Sc, PhD
David Nelson, M.D, PhD

Board Member / Styrelseledamot
Swedish Junior Doctors’ Association Stockholm / SYLF Stockholm
Jan 2017 – Jan 2019
Stockholm, Sweden

Responsible for e-Health related questions and Healthcare-IT as well discussions on the upcoming EHR procurement in Region Stockholm

Board Member / Styrelseledamot
The Swedish Medical Associaton Norrtälje
Feb 2018 – Nov 2018
Stockholm, Sweden

Elected member on the final year of my medical internship in Norrtälje.

Medical Intern / AT-Läkare
TioHundra Ab
Feb 2017 – Nov 2018
Stockholm, Sweden

21-month medical internship post-graduation to attain medical licensure in Sweden.
Rotations: 6-months general surgery, 6 months internal medicine, 3 months psychiatry and 6 months primary care (Husläkarmottagningen Rimbo-Edsbro)

Danderyds sjukhus AB
Junior Physician / Underläkare
Mar 2016 – Feb 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
Physician on the Anaesthesia, Surgery and Intensive Care-service (AneOpIVA) service.

• Junior Physician / Underläkare
Jun 2015 – Feb 2016
Internal medicine service, primarily placed in the emergency room and in the acute stroke unit.

Physician Assistant / Läkarassistent
Capio S:t Görans sjukhus
Jun 2014 – Aug 2014
Stockholm, Sweden

Orthopedic Surgery section, primarily placed in the emergency trauma/orthopedics ward.

Research Intern / Forskningsstudent
Harvard Medical School – Boston Children’s hospital
Sept 2013 – Jan 2014
Boston, USA

Master’s thesis project on the topic of highthroughput screening to find novel panic medications in the lab of Professor Clifford Woolf at the Children’s Hospital Boston/Harvard Medical School.

Anatomy Tutor
Karolinska Institutet
Sept 2012 – Jan 2013
Stockholm, Sweden

Senior anatomy tutor assisting medical students taking their anatomy course.

Research Intern / Forskningsstudent
Uhlén Lab @ Karolinska Institutet
Jan 2011 – Nov 2012
Stockholm, Sweden

A summer research project that turned into part-time research throughout the year on the mechanisms of the BCG vaccine in treatment of transitional cell carcinoma, using fluorescence microscopy at the Uhlén lab in the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophyspics.

Chosen to partake in a several week long exchange at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan to further techniques on 3D cell culturing.


Medical degree (M.D)
Karolinska Institutet
Aug 2010 – Jan 2016
Solna, Sweden

360 hp (higher education credits)
330 hp medical degree + 30 hp research introductory course for medical students

Upper secondary qualification
Thorildsplans gymnasium
Aug 2007 – Jun 2010
Stockholm, Sweden
Natural sciences, GPA: 20.0 / 20.0

Licenses & certifications

Board-certified Specialist Physician in Anesthesia & Intensive Care / Specialistläkare Anestesi & Intensivvård
Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare / Socialstyrelsen
Issued: January 2024
Stockholm, Sweden

Licensed Medical Doctor / Legitimerad Läkare
Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare / Socialstyrelsen
Issued: November 2018
Stockholm, Sweden

Certificate in Advanced English
Cambridge English Language Assessment
Grade A

Driver’s license / Körkort
Swedish Transport Agency / Transportstyrelsen
Stockholm, Sweden


[1] O. Friman, N. Soltani, M. Lind, P. Zetterqvist, A. Balintescu, A. Perner, A. Oldner, O. Rooyackers, and J. Mårtensson, “Performance of subcutaneous continuous glucose monitoring in adult critically ill patients receiving vasopressor therapy”, Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, dia.2024.0035, May 31, 2024, issn: 1520-9156, 1557-8593.

[2] A. Habermann, M. Widaeus, N. Soltani, P. S. Myles, L. Hallqvist, and M. Bell, “Days at home alive after major surgery in patients with and without diabetes: An observational cohort study”, Perioperative Medicine, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 4, Jan. 2024, issn: 2047-0525. eprint:

[3] C. Ibarra, M. Karlsson, S. Codeluppi, M. Varas-Godoy, S. Zhang, L. Louhivuori, S. Mangsbo, A. Hosseini, N. Soltani, R. Kaba, T. Kalle Lundgren, A. Hosseini, N. Tanaka, M. Oya, P. Wiklund, A. Miyakawa, and P. Uhlén, “Bcg-induced cytokine release in bladder cancer cells is regulated by ca2+ signaling”, Molecular Oncology, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 202–211, 2019.